As anyone who’s read this far up my blog knows by now, I’m preparing for the WD Writer’s Conference in January. I was working on my synopsis for Confessions of an Internet Pornographer, when I realized I’d never seen a synopsis. I was writing a scene by scene summary of my book, which is totally not what a synopsis is. Sending them something like that is suicide. Well, having realized that I had no idea what a synopsis looked like I did some research. I found a wonderful writer’s forum named It is my first forum, and I like the sense of community and mutual understanding. is easy to use, FREE, and geared towards amateur authors and their needs. This is how they describe themselves:
“Absolute Write offers articles and information about fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, freelancing, and copywriting. In addition, we provide information about editing, publishing, agents, and market research. You'll find links to classes, software, and a large and active online community of writers and publishing professionals.”
It’s a great writer’s resource where you’ll meet authors on a similar mission. They also respond to posts quickly. I posted two questions and received multiple intelligent answers that day. Can’t ask for more than that.
As far as how far along I am in preparing for the NY conference, I’ve finished my business card. It is white card with my name, personal formation, and a little swaying palm tree. Palm trees are very symbolic in Confessions of an Internet Pornographer. They remind my protagonist that his dreams have really all come true. I might get one tattooed to my leg if the book gets published.
What I am also doing is planning what to do with the other 48 hours in New York. I wish someone actually read this blog, and then they could give me suggestions on fun stuff to do. But since I am writing into the wind, and no one can hear me, I’ll come up with what sounds fun to me.
We arrive Friday and eat at the world famous Carnegie Deli, where I will order my favorite sandwich in the world, The Woody Allen. It is a masterpiece. On Saturday we go to the writing conference from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. The pitch slam is around 3 o: clock. Two hours off pitching my book to (hopefully) eager and open minded agents and publishers.
After the conference we’re taking a night time bus tour of NYC. I can’t wait. It sounds odd, to go on a tour of a town you know like your own hand. But I think NY is beautiful to look at, it’s one huge light display with interesting characters running around. On Sunday it’s another tour, one of the ones where you get on and off and back on again. In the evening I think we’re headed for a comedy club in Greenwich Village. It’s been about 4 years since I’ve seen NYC, I miss it at times. It’s been 8 years since we left the Bronx for Florida.
Does it sound like a good itinerary? I think so. If 5 out of 50 agents ask for the manuscript I’ll consider that a success. And even if they don’t I’ll get a great little vacation in my favorite city in the world.
If anyone reads this blog drop a message hello. If not, then I bid the wind good bye for now. And ask my question again, is there anybody out there?