Hi all!
I have a wonderful writing resource I thought you should all know about. It is helping me to prepare a marketing plan for my novel, Confessions of an Internet Pornographer. And NO, I have not heard from the other 5 NY agents I met at the WD Writer's Conference in January.
I do not get any money or ANYTHING for promoting this book, but it's such a great writing resource I wanted to tell people about it. If you have a novel and are preparing to publish it soon, this book is a must read.
You can write the world's greatest novel, but without publicity and marketing no one will read it. The book is entitled Publicize Your Book: An Insider's Guide to Getting Your Book the Attention It Deserves by Jacqueline Deval.
Publicity is king! When a movie, album, or novel is released even the biggest stars go on talk shows and radio programs to tell people about it. Even the most reclusive performers must advertise and get the word out if they want their projects to succeed.
Publicity is king! When a movie, album, or novel is released even the biggest stars go on talk shows and radio programs to tell people about it. Even the most reclusive performers must advertise and get the word out if they want their projects to succeed.
I intend to impliment my marketing plan wether I find representation or I self publish. One of the major reasons I want to get published by one of the major houses, is to gain access to their publicity and sales people. I hope to refine my marketing strategy with their help, and I might even be able to suggest a few strategies that will help them.
You all should do the same. When you finally decide to publish your book, take time to learn about marketing and create a plan.
You all should do the same. When you finally decide to publish your book, take time to learn about marketing and create a plan.