Read about La Bruja of the Cross Bronx Expressway

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Over 700 people have downloaded my book on the kindle

Over 700 people in the U.S. have downloaded my book on the Amazon! 139 in the UK!  I'm an international author.

At the end of December I ran a promotion in which I gave Confessions of an Internet Pornographer away free for a week. Over 450 people downloaded the file in one night! I'm hoping people will tell their friends about my novel and so on and so on and so on.

I did not make any money, but it's wonderful knowing over 700 people are reading my book. I hope they enjoy it. If 10% of the readers write me 4-5 star reviews on Amazon that would be 70 great reviews! 

Since the book did so well for Free, I lowered the price to $2.99. But that's the lowest I'll sell it for. My novel has value, and I believe it's worth as much as a sandwich or a cup of fancy coffee. I would also like to make a living writing someday and that will never happen if I give it away for free. But I'm very happy about the way the free week turned out.

The paperback is on it's way! I swear!

Remember all you self-publishers out there: don't give up and don't slow down. We're all going to become famous writers this year.

Wish me luck, until next time I will continue writing into the wind.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Write hard this year

Happy New Year everybody!

     Hope your post party hangovers are not too bad; remember to drink plenty of water, and greasy food works wonders. Let’s start the New Year with a determination to write more this year. If you are publishing your own book, like me, take a deep breath and promise your self not to slow down.    
     I want to start this year by giving you all an invaluable writing resource. I believe it is a must join for any new writer. I have learned that we all write alone, but you cannot edit, publish, or market your book alone. You need to know what people are doing right and wrong, get direction, and even find some emotional support. Don’t make the mistake I made the first time I tried to publish my book, you can't do it alone.
     The Web site that has helped me the most with pre and post publication has been I found it during one of my late night – Tequila fueled -- research sessions by accident. New and experienced writers will love it. I have never posted a question on that was not answered intelligently and quickly. There must be people that spend all day just answering posts. It’s easy to use, friendly, and FREE! Below is how they describe themselves:
“Absolute Write offers articles and information about fiction, nonfiction, screenwriting, freelancing, and copy writing. In addition, we provide information about editing, publishing, agents, and market research. You'll find links to classes, software, and a large and active online community of writers and publishing professionals.”

     Use this resource in January to start writing or pushing your novel. That includes me. I’ve been thinking about writing a short story, maybe putting it on for feedback. I don’t know. After writing Confessions of an Internet Pornographer I’ve gotten so busy with publishing and creating a marketing plan I’ve had little time to write.
     If anyone reads this blog say hello. If no one is reading this then I bid the wind good bye for now.
