Read about La Bruja of the Cross Bronx Expressway

Friday, February 18, 2011

Still havn't heard from the book agents in NYC

     Still no word about representation for my book, Confessions of an Internet Pornographer, from the agents I met at the 2011 Writer’s Digest Conference in New York. And the waiting is harder than practicing my pitch in the hotel room in NY, the night before the conference. I had 90 seconds to tell someone about a 290 page book it took nine years to write. I pray daily that someone will love my book and fight along side me to get it published. But I know that if I fail, I can learn everything there is to know about self publishing.  
      I suppose no news is good news. In the meantime my short story Nothing is doing well on But I’ve realized that it should be longer. It is unfinished, but I don’t know if I want to work on it right now, although I really like the subject matter. It’s the sad story of a man caring for a quadriplegic who wants to die. It’s short, only 1010 words, and the reviews have been good. Some are very editorial, and it reminds me how great it is to have writers giving you feedback on your work.  
     Zoetrope is such a great place to read good short stories. If you are an amateur writer, and want to grow and become better, join (and follow my blog). Bye the way I get NOTHING from Zoetrope to write nice things about them (although I wish I did because Francis Ford Coppola is loaded).
     I’ll let you all know if I hear from any agents. In the meantime, I’m reading a great book entitled, Paramedic. It’s a well written and an honest account of the life a former political speech writer turned paramedic. I’ll write more on it later. Got to go.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Time for more advice about writing

     It’s time to get back to business and tell you guys where to get more help with your writing. You’ve heard enough about my adventures in New York, let’s get back to getting you published.
     One of the things I did not feel I needed when I first started writing was writing classes. I was wrong. Since then, I’ve taken classes at The Writers Studio and the UCLA Extension, and my writing has improved a great deal. There are great benefits to taking a class and sharing your work like honest feedback and learning new writing techniques. They’re expensive, but even if you can only afford one a year, make the investment. You might even get your teacher to support you book, if you’ve got one There is a wonderful challenge to writing something you would have never thought of on your own.
     I’ve only taken online classes. I work during the day and write after hours, so the World Wide Web was a God send. I was curious how online class rooms worked, and I was pleasantly surprised to find them very friendly places. The teacher asks a question, it appears on your screen and every one answers it. It’s a little awkward because there is always a delay in seeing everyone’s answers, but the conversation flows smoothly.
     Most classes give you one assignment a week and I had to organize myself and set aside time to “go to school.” I was also online every Saturday at 7 p.m. for a mandatory live chat. The only thing that I did not like about online classes was not seeing the faces of people I’d grown to like. You can come out of a class with a publishable short story, or solid novel chapter.
     I liked The Writers Studio, the assignments were interesting and it was fun to write in someone else’s style. But therein lies the reason I left their program. They teach you to examine, and write in the style of, established literary voices. But I was looking for a more traditional program. One that would teach me how to write better AS ME. I don’t lack voice or topics, I have that naturally. I needed someone to teach me how to redirect all the daydreams and cultivate my own style.
     I found that at the UCLA extension. Those of you however who doubt their voice and want to practice using some really fun literary styles, should try The Writer’s Studio. You might find your voice in those exercises and run with it from there. It was fun writing in a voice I would never naturally write in. My crazed angry voice was in need of a good stretch, and writing about the bipolar disorder is not my usual topic, and it was good for me to grow creatively. More information about The Writers Studio.
     My next post will be about the UCLA extension. Come back and learn a little more. In the meantime I continue to write into the wind, and wait for a reply about my book. Saw the Social network last night. Great movie. Zukerburg had a great idea, but he screwed his friends. But great movie, reminded me a little of my book. Haven’t heard from any agents yet. I re-read Confessions of an Internet Pornographer and it reads fantastically, although I did find a bad sentence that I missed. But I found only little edits, the book is awesome and very well written if I do say so myself. We’ll see. In the meantime, any Zoetropers out there can come read one of my short stories posted there, it’s entitled Nothing.